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Natalia Sleta

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Natalia Sleta - Founder

Natalia Sleta

Senior Specialist for Technical Research, S&P Global

Natalia is the Researcher and Analyst for CIS Upstream Asset Valuation within the S&P Global. Her main responsibilities include cost and production modelling, fiscal analysis and capturing economic, technical and geopolitical risks. Prior to joining S&P Global, Natalia was a reservoir engineer at Gazprom Neft in Russia, where she was responsible for geological and economic valuation of the potential exploration areas in the E&P Department with a primary focus on unconventional reservoirs in West Siberia. Natalia holds a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the Samara State Technical University and a Master of Science in Project Management, Finance and Risk from the Bayes Business School, London.

  • 10 Sep 24