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Laziza Sabirova

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Laziza Sabirova - Founder

Laziza Sabirova

Head of the Regional Cooperation and Integration Department of the Central and West Asia Department, the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Lyaziza Sabyrova leads the regional cooperation and integration team in the Central and West Asia Department of the Asian Development Bank. It includes the Secretariat for the Central Asia Regional Cooperation (CAREC) Program. After obtaining her PhD degree in Economics from Indiana University (Bloomington, IN, USA), Lyaziza joined ADB in 2000. She worked on infrastructure projects in the People’s Republic of China, and in Central Asia and South Caucasus regions. She was posted in ADB’s Resident Mission in the Kyrgyz Republic from 2006-2008. In the following three years, she was on a special leave from the ADB, during which she was a Deputy Director of an independent private economic think tank in Kazakhstan, the RAKURS Center for Economic Analysis. More recently, she led the preparations of ADB's Country Partnership Strategies for several Central Asian and South Caucasus countries, steered the work of the CAREC Institute, and was involved in the Department’s analytical work and knowledge management.

  • 11 Sep 24