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Azat Ataev

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Azat Ataev

Deputy Minister of Education of Turkmenistan

Born in 1989 in Ashgabat. In 2012, he graduated with honors from the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications with a degree in Automation of Technological Processes and Production. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Author of more than 100 publications in the field of ensuring the reliability of telecommunications equipment, simulation modeling for predicting the reliability of electronic equipment, designing telecommunications infrastructure for the digitalization of the education system. He is working on a doctoral dissertation in engineering in the field of developing ICT infrastructure for analytical education systems.From 2012 to 2018, worked as a teacher, senior lecturer, head of the department of the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications.Since January 2018, Vice-Rector for Science at Oguz Khan University of Engineering Technologies.Since June 2019, Vice-Rector for Science at the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan.In 2017, he was elected to the position of Chairman of the Center of Young Scientists at the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, and he voluntarily led the council until 2023.In October 2020, was appointed Deputy Minister of Education, oversees issues of higher and secondary vocational education, youth policy, digitalization, licensing, accreditation and international relations.

  • 10 Sep 24